The restored mosaics will be returned on Saturday to the Early Christian Basilica of the Holy Trinity and the Church of Saint Filonas in Karpasia, Cyprus, following the completion of restoration work carried out by the bi-communal Technical Committee on Cultural Heritage in collaboration with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the European Union.
The Byzantine Church of Saint Filonas dates back to the 12th century AD. Earlier excavations in the area have uncovered part of the complex, which dates back to the 5th century AD, as well as structures dating back to the Hellenistic and Roman periods (4th century BC to 4th century AD).
The mosaics in the Basilica of the Holy Trinity date from the 5th and 6th centuries AD.
The building of the basilica dates back to around 425 AD. There is also a baptistery with a cruciform baptismal font similar to that of Saint Epiphanios basilica in the region of ancient Salamis, also known as Constantia.