This year as well, among a crowd of faithful, the Vesper was held in honor of Saint Martyr Phanourios at the historic Sacred Church of Saint Sava in old Nicosia, which is also the seat of the Patriarchate of Alexandria in Cyprus, after its concession by Archbishop Chrysostomos of Cyprus.
Patriarch Theodore of Alexandria and All Africa presided over the Vesper, assisted by Bishop Nikodemos of Nitria, the Abbot of Apostle Barnabas Monastery, Archimandrite Ioannis, and other clergy.
During the Vesper, the Patriarch preached his sermon to the congregation, referring both to the miraculous Icon of the Saint and his holy life, and his constant invocation by all of us in times of distress, need and pain. “The description of the life of other Saints may fill 200 and 300 pages, but Saint Phanourios, although little is known about his earthly life, resides in our hearts”.
Before the end of the Vesper, the Patriarch read the wishes for Saint Phanourios and blessed the numerous fanouropites. The Holy Service was completed with the procession of the Icon of the Saint and the sharing of the traditional fanouropita.
Source: Church of Cyprus