Metropolitan of Fthiotida expressed his confidence that he would immediately receive the Holy Communion after a patient infected by coronavirus.
Speaking to reporters during a discussion on the coronavirus pandemic, Metropolitan Symeon said, “If I knew that the previous believer had been infected by coronavirus, I would immediately receive the Holy Communion after him. Remember that we priests lick the Holy Communion from the floor if it falls down. ”
He added that “the Holy Communion is not a multivitamin that will make you a Superman. Christ is the Holy Communion. It’s not something magic that will make you not to get sick or die. But it does not transmit the virus itself. After all, no one can ever substantiate that a virus has been transmitted through the Holy Eucharist. Whoever claims this, should also justify it. On the contrary, there are testimonies and experiences from the life of our Church that prove the opposite to be true.”