On Sunday, August 23, Fr. Archimandrite Demetrius, Vicar General of the Holy Orthodox Metropolis of Spain and Portugal and Exarchate of the Mediterranean Sea (Ecumenical Patriarchate), celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Saint Mary the Crowned, where he was warmly received by Fr. Victor Ghio, Administrator and Chancelor of the Diocese.
Before the Liturgy, at 10:00, Fr. Demetrius paid a courtesy visit to Fr. Ian Tarrant, Dean-designate of Holy Trinity Cathedral (Church of England). At 12:00 he attended the Roman Catholic Mass as an ecumenical guest, at the end of which he presented the Cathedral congregation with a beautiful icon featuring the Hospitality of Abraham, which was received with joy by those present.

Source: Orthodox Mission of the Holy Apostles Bartholomew and Barnabas – Gibraltar