On Sunday, November 24, 2019, on the feast day of Holy King Stefan of Dechani, the first Hierarchal Liturgy in a new church of Saint Apostle and Evangelist Mark in Braunau, Austria, was officiated.
Bishop Andreas of Austria-Switzerland presided over the Liturgy with the concelebration of the local clergy. School children who attend religious instructions sang responses as well. Bishop Milutin of Valjevo consecrated a school at Slatina, Serbia, Bishop Milutin of Valjevo with the clergy from Valjevo and Ub consecrated a school at Slatina, and a filial class of the Primary School “Saint Sava” at Pambukovica.
This holy rite was organized on initiativeof the principal of the school Slavica Marjanovic and representatives of the Municipality of Ub. Parents of children and friends of school were present. A rich cultural program followed the church rite.
Source: Serbian Orthodox Church