The Metropolis of Chicago has drawn up a special protocol for the cutting and distribution of the antidoron, under which churches will accept prosphora (offerings) from specific individuals, while knives and other utensils will be disinfected.
It is also mandatory to wear a face mask, except during the reception of the Eucharist.
The protocol states the following:
A designated person for each service should be identified to receive the loaves of bread and/or the prosphoron.
The person must sanitise his/her hands and wear a face mask prior to receiving the offering from the parishioner(s).
A designated person for each service should be identified for preparing the antidoron and artoklasia for cutting.
Before and after cutting the bread, the knife and the basket must be sanitised.
The person must wear a face mask and sanitise hands before handling the knife, basket, and bread.
After the pieces are placed into the basket(s), they must be covered with a clean cloth, paper towels, or similar covering.
The priest and/or anyone else distributing antidoron/artoklasia must sanitise his/her hands prior to the distribution.
Each person is to sanitise his/her hands prior to receiving a piece of antidoron/artoklasia.
If the faithful wish to receive additional pieces, they are to be instructed not to reach into the basket to take on their own.
To mitigate the risk of cross-contamination, baskets of antidoron/artoklasia are not to be placed in different parts of the church or parish campus.
If a parishioner forgets or strongly feels the need to receive a blessing by reverencing the priest’s hand, the priest must disinfect his hands before he can continue the distribution.
The antidoron/artoklasia is to be placed in the hands of each parishioner.
The faithful are to be instructed not to reverence the clergyman’s hand when receiving antidoron/artoklasia.