On September 24, Patriarch Neophytos of Bulgaria and bishop Polycarpos of Leukopolis welcomed at the patriarchal mansion the Abbot of the Esphigmenou monastery of Mount Athos, Archimandrite Bartholomew and his entourage.
Abbot Bartholomew of Esphigmenou monastery was in Sofia for the presentation of his newly released spiritual book, that tooκ place in the Patriarchate’s premises.
Patriarch Neophytos of Bulgaria thanked Abbot Bartholomew for his visit and for the prayers of the Athonite fathers for the good of the whole world. The Patriarch reaffirmed his prayers for resolving the case of the Esphigmenou Monastery and expressed his conviction that “Our Lady will not leave her children in the face of various trials, and soon everything will be solved.”
Then the Abbot of the Monastery of Saint Anargyroi Pernik, archim. Nikanor, gave to the Patriarch and presented him the book of Abbot Bartholomew of the Esphigmenou monastery, “Reasons for Spiritual Appeal in Christ”, translated into Bulgarian.
The abbot of the Monastery of the Assumption of Virgin Mary in Sukovo, Serbia, Αrchimandrite Seraphim, and the abbot of the monastery of Saint John the Theologian in Poganovo of Serbia, Arch. Mardarius, also attended the meeting with the Patriarch.