By Bishop Gregorios of Mesaoria
Our Holy Church today honours the memory of the martyrs of Nazarius, Gervasius, Protasius and Celsus, and Saint Cosmas, bishop of Maiuma, the poet.
Nazarius’ parents were likely disciples of the Apostle Peter, and their son inherited from them the virtues of the Christian faith. He remained pure and impeccable, and when he was 20 years old, he distributed his possessions to the poor and began touring, preaching the Gospel of love.
In Mediolanum he met two pious men, Protasius and Gervasius. There, all three together preached the divine word and succeeded in bringing many people close to Christ.
Nazarius went to France, where he met Celsus. Returning to Mediolanum, present-day Milan, he was arrested along with Protasius, Gervasius and Celsus and they were beheaded after refusing to betray their faith in the resurrected Jesus Christ.
Source: Church of Cyprus