By Bishop Gregorios of Mesaoria
The Church today honours the memory of the Apostles Aristarchus, Mark, and Zenon.
Saint Aristarchus had the great honour of being a companion of the Apostle Paul and his fellow captive. He then became prominent, as well as the Bishop of Syrian Apamea. The memory of St. Aristarchus is also celebrated on April 14.
Mark (also known as John), Evangelist Mark’s namesake, was ordained Bishop of Byblos and acted apostolicly. As the Acts of the Apostles testify regarding the Apostle Peter, Mark’s shadow too was able to heal the sick with the grace of the Holy Spirit.
Zenon is the same person as Zenas the lawyer, who as a genuine and prosperous worker of the Holy Gospel, helped with missionary zeal in Crete with Apollos. That is why the Apostle Paul so emotionally and caringly recommends Titus to see that they have everything they need. Zenon also excelled as Bishop of Diospolis.
Source: Church of Cyprus