Instructions of the Metropolis of Korea for home prayer

The Metropolis of Korea has issued an encyclical on the occasion of the coronavirus pandemic, in which it gives recommendations on how the prayer should be performed from home.

In particular, and as it points out, due to the coronavirus pandemic, the only way to watch the Holy Services is through the internet.

The encyclical emphasizes that prayer, whether it is done in the Church or in our home or in any other place, “must be done with due reverence and care.”

“In other words, the time of our communication with God should be solely devoted to Him and not to” be worried and troubled about many things “(Lk. 10:41) at prayer time, like Martha did on the relevant Gospel passage.”

It also clarifies that while observing the Divine Liturgy, “we systematically avoid engaging in other acts.”

It is better to pray “in front of the Holy Icons in our family’s prayer corner, to light an oil candle or a candle, to burn incense, and to observe with devotion the chanting and readings of the Service being desirable from the particular Church.”

The same goes, as noted in the encyclical, for the night home prayer.

“We, therefore, urge you to strictly adhere to the guidelines issued by the Government for the protection of your health, which will also benefit our society as a whole. We hope and pray that we will soon be able to see one another person to person, so that we may continue together the Worship at our Churches,” the encyclical outlines.

Source: Metropolis of Korea