Turkish President: They were buried in ground and thrown into sea by us- We hope that they will not pay same price today

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made a new provocative statement over… the phone, referring to Greece without naming it.

According to the Turkish newspaper Hurriyet, the Turkish President, speaking to the graduates of the Turkish National Defense University, said: “Those who attacked our independence a century ago were either buried in the ground or thrown into the sea by the Turkish people.”

“Those who targeted our flag and our prayer, when they were looking for a way out of the distressing situation, executed three prime ministers, two ministers and a general. We hope that they will not make the same mistake and that they will not pay the same price today,” he added.

At the same time, Turkey announced a five-day military exercise, that will start on Sunday, along with the Turkish Cypriot “army” in the Turkish-occupied territory of Cyprus, as reported by Anadolu Agency on Saturday morning.