The outgoing ambassador was honoured by the Archbishop of Kyriakoupolis

A reception in honour of the outgoing Greek ambassador to Jordan, Vasilios Bornovas, was presented by Archbishop Christophoros of Kyriakoupolis, praising him for the work he performed in Jordan during his three-year term.

The Archbishop referred to the ambassador and particularly emphasized his love for the Jordanians and Jordan and his support for the Orthodox Church.

In remembrance of his presence here, Archbishop Christophoros offered Bornovas a thank-you plaque of the Metropolis and a relief mosaic, and wished God to give him health and strength.

For his part, the outgoing ambassador spoke about the long history that links Jordan with Greece, reaffirming the good relations between the two countries.

In the end, Bornovas expressed his joy over his three years in office, thanked the Archbishop, and wished everyone good health and as they progress.