Metropolitan of Lemnos: We should not fear the decision to suspend divine services

Metropolitan Ierotheos of Lemnos

Metropolitan Ierotheos of Lemnos wanted to reassure the flock and to highlight its spiritual vigilance in a relevant circular he issued on the occasion of the suspension of the divine services following the government’s decision.

As he characteristically states, “I need to remind you, on the basis of this painful experience, that this suspension of ‘regularity,’ that is, given the uninterrupted performance of the Divine worship and the Divine Liturgy, is not unknown in the life of Christians in the ecclesiastical history. That is why, even though this saddens us, we should not be frightened by the decision of this suspension…”

Metropolitan Ierotheos emphasizes that the responsibility of the faithful is not exhausted within the 2-3 hours that the Divine Liturgy lasts, but continues in our daily life and underlines that the suspension of the performance of the Divine Worship does not inhibit the exercise of love for the neighbor; on the contrary it cultivates virtues such as ecclesiastical spirit and morale.

Finally, he sends a message of obedience to the government’s instructions for as long as this situation lasts and invites everyone to pray from home in the hope that the Lord will hear our faith and obedience.