Metropolitan of France: It is a myth that Metropolitan Epiphanius is surrounded by Russian-affiliated powers

According to the statements of Metropolitan Emmanuel of France to, the view that “Metropolitan Epiphanius is surrounded by Russian-affiliated powers” is a “myth”.

Metropolitan of France stated that he disagrees with the view expressed by “Honorary Patriarch” Filaret, who, after the Meeting of the Holy Synod, said that Metropolitan Epiphanius is influenced by Russian-affiliated powers who aim to destroy the Russian Church.

Furthermore, the representative of Ecumenical Patriarch, who co-officiated during the celebration Liturgy of the name day of Metropolitan Epiphanius, said that “The Tomos signed by Ecumenical Patriarch and the members of the Holy and Sacred Synod was the cornerstone of the new Autocephalous Church”.

As Metropolitan of France stressed, the text of the Tomos was not a result of negotiations between the two parts, but it refers to the modus operandi of the Church.  A similar text was provided by Ecumenical Patriarchate to all local Churches that were granted the status of Autocephaly in their day.

“Noone has the right to judge what is right and what is wrong in the text. Those who don’t accept some of the provisions of the Tomos, deny the embracement of this Church. The Church has a bright future, it stands on its own, and it chooses the path it shall follow”, concluded emphatically Metropolitan Emmanuel of France.