Holy Synod of Romanian Patriarchate meets in Bucharest

Photo credit: Basilica.ro / Mircea Florescu

The Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church met on Wednesday at the Synodal Hall of the Patriarchal Residence under the chairmanship of Patriarch Daniel to discuss current topics on the agenda.

The works were opened with a Doxology service officiated by Atanasie of Bogdania, assistant bishop to the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Italy, at the Chapel of Saint George the Trophy-bearer.

Liturgical texts for 11 Saints

The Holy Synod’s agenda includes different liturgical texts, which were previously reviewed by the Metropolitan Synod of Muntenia and Dobrudja.

The Matins, Vespers and akathists to eleven Saints, most of whom of ancient Dacian origin, will be approved at this synodal session:

Venerable Theoctistus (September 3)
Martyr Montanus the presbyter of Singidunum, and his wife Maxima (March 26)
Martyr Dasius (November 20)
Martyr Hermes (December 31)
Martyrs Ermylus and Stratonicus (January 13)
Hieromartyr Ephraim, Bishop of Tomis (March 7)
Hieromartyr Irenaeus, Bishop of Syrmium (April 6)
Martyrs Maximos, Quintillian and Dada of Ozovia (April 28)
Martyrs Nicandros and Marcian (June 8)
Martyr Lupus (August 23)
Martyrs Donatus the deacon, Romulus the priest, Silvanus the deacon and Venustus (August 21)

List of holy relics

The members of the Holy Synod will review the current stage of the List (Catalogue) of the Holy Relics within the Romanian Patriarchate. In his opening remarks, Patriarch Daniel expressed his hope that this List will be available this autumn.

During this working session, the Holy Synod will review and approve the amendments brought to the Regulations of the central bodies of the Romanian Orthodox Church and the regulations on church goods administration.

‘The older texts were adapted, completed and justified with references to the sacred canons, the Statutes of our Church and the Romanian Orthodox synodal tradition,’ the Patriarch of Romania said June 19.

Pope Francis’ visit to the Patriarchal Palace and the National Cathedral will also be a topic of discussion.

ITO 2020

The Romanian hierarchs will also talk about the seventh edition of the International Meeting of Orthodox Youth that will take place next year in Timisoara.

Current issues in the Dioceses, aspects regarding the Romanian Diaspora, as well as the conclusions of the meeting of the Church Painting Commission with the representatives from the dioceses will be taken into account.

Source: basilica.ro