Dr. George Pavlakis: I am happy for the decision of the Archbishop of America

Dr. George Pavlakis

Dr. George Pavlakis, head of the Human Retrovirus Section of the Vaccine Branch at the National Institute of Health in Washington, DC, applauded the decision made by the Archbishop of America regarding the temporary measure for the offering of Holy Communion.

“As a scientist, I am happy for the decision of the Archbishop of America to develop a responsible protocol for the protection of the people that participate in church services and want communion.

The instructions of the Archdiocese for church attendance and for individual communion service, if applied faithfully, help in the protection of the public and they are also in agreement with the orders of the state authorities.”

It is recalled that Archbishop Elpidophoros of America directed the parish priests of the Direct Archdiocesan District (New York, Connecticut and Washington, D.C.), as a temporary measure only, to offer the Holy Communion by using multiple metal spoons that will be single-use during the distribution.

Source: greeknewsonline.com