Doxology for the National Day at Strasburg

On Sunday, both an Archieratic Divine Liturgy and a Doxology for the National Day of March 25 were held at Three Hierarchs Church, Strasburg.

Metropolitan Elpidoforos of Prousa presided the Divine Liturgy, assisted by Bishop Maximus of Melitini.

After the ending of the Doxology, Bishop Maximus of Melitini welcomed Metropolitan Elpidoforos of Prousa at the Metropolis of France and conveyed the warmest wishes for his visit and the love of Metropolitan Emmanuel of France, who could not attend due to commitments.

Metropolitan of Prousa thanked Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew for the permit and the blessing to visit Strasburg, Metropolitan of France for the invitation, Bishop Maximus of Melitini, father Christos Filiotis and the congregation, and conveyed the blessings of Ecumenical Patriarch to all the participants.