Divine Liturgy in Damascus by Patriarch Ioannis

Patriarchate of Antioch

And while for some Orthodox churches, the issue of the use of masks in temples is a point of division between the faithful and the clergy, the Patriarchate of Antioch sets the example.

At the Cathedral of the Assumption of Virgin Mary in Damascus this morning, a Divine Liturgy was performed by the Patriarch Ioannis of Antioch, where all those who participated, including priests, deacons, cantors and the congregation, all wore masks. The only one who did not wear a mask was Patriarch Ioannis.

Patriarch Ioannis ordained Fr. Meletios Satti, who is the Deputy Director General of the Department of Ecumenical Relations and Development at the Patriarchate of Antioch, in the position of the Archimandrite Alexios Chehadeh, who “passed away” infected by Covid-19.

Patriarchate of Antioch
Patriarchate of Antioch
Patriarchate of Antioch