Celebration of the feast of St. George at the Patriarchal Church at the Fener

Today, Easter Monday, April 29, amidst a festive and pious atmosphere, the Patriarchal Church at the Fener celebrated its patron saint, St. George the Great Martyr.

Metropolitan Dimitrios of Princes’ Islands presided the Divine Liturgy, assisted by Metropolitans Theoleptos of Iconium and Stephanos of Kallioupolis and Madytos.

photo credit Nikos Magginas

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew concelebrated with the rest of the prominent participants, in the prayer from the altar.

Among those that attended the Holy Liturgy were Metropolitans Germanos of Tranoupolis, Iriney of Myriofito (Murefte) and Peristasis, Athenagoras of Kidonies, Bishop Adrianos of Alikarnassos (Bodrum), the Consul of Greece to Ankara, Petros Mavroeidis, the Consul of Greece to Vietnam Ioannis Raptakis, the Consul General of Greece to Constantinople Georgia Soultanopoulou (it was her name day as well), Chief Officiales and a crowd of faithful from Constantinople and abroad.

photo credit Nikos Magginas