Archbishop of Cyprus: Every man desires Paradise

Archbishop Chrysostomos of Cyprus

Archbishop Chrysostomos held the liturgy of Akathist Hymn at St. Lucas Church, Kokkines, Strovolos.

In his addressing speech, Chrysostomos emphasized that: “Heaven is the desire of every single human soul. Happiness, tranquility and eternal joy are the deepest lusts of every human being”.

As the Archbishop of Cyprus commented, any man can enter Paradise, with continuous struggle and the certainty that God and His Love shall lead to man’s salvation.

Therefore, the Archbishop stressed, bearing these in mind, our path in life “shall be led by Holy Mary, not only to achieve a spiritual progress in our mortal life, but also to open the gates of Paradise”.

“This is where Paradise starts, and our Holy Mary is the one that opens its Gates”, concluded Archbishop Chrysostomos.