Archbishop Makarios: Our society does not lack the smart people but the humble

The Divine Liturgy of Holy Thursday at the Pantanassa Monastery, in Mangrove Creek, was performed by Archbishop Makarios of Australia, behind closed doors, in the presence of Abbot Eusebius, the owner of the Monastery and Former Prior, Archimandrite Stefanos, and the other fathers of the brotherhood.

Archbishop Makarios served as a priest and transmitted the Sacraments to the brotherhood, while at the end of the Divine Liturgy he addressed paternal and spiritual words to the monks.

“We are grateful to God because He teaches us by His example and not by words, philosophies and theoretical teachings. He has given us today an excellent model of humility by washing the feet of His disciples.

Mankind today needs humility. We were filled with educated people, graduates, scientists. Medical biotechnology is advancing and trying to make the perfect man through eugenics, and is oriented towards intelligence and cleverness, considering that these are the positive characteristics of man. There is no lack of smart people in our society, but of humble ones,” the Archbishop noted characteristically.