Who do we call a saint

Who do we call a saint? Who can become a saint? What is holiness? Since when do we have saints? Who is the first saint? When do we honor a saint? Why are there saints? Do we have saints today?

The Church of Christ is not just an entity or a religious organization. It is a living faith that in every age brings out some victorious people and crowns them with the laurel of holiness.

The saint is a human being like us with the sole difference that the saint moved his soul away from darkness and got closer to the Light of Christ, sacrificed oneself out of true love of Jesus Christ and applied the commandments of God in practice.

The saint is the one who struggles daily with patience, perseverance, will in order to reach union with God, who is the only Saint and gives holiness to whomever He wishes. A saint is one who tries to walk the path set by Jesus Christ when He was on earth.

The Saint is sinful but a repentant sinner. One who repents one’s mistakes and actions. In the New Testament, the word translated as ‘repentance’ is the Greek word μετάνοια (metanoia), “after/behind one’s mind”. Therefore, a saint is one who very wisely repents and, together with the laundry of the soul which is the holy confession, and the way of life, makes that person participate in the holiness of God.