The consciousness

Fear of God is the consciousness of responsibility for our salvation. We have the greatest responsibility for how we live since God gave us life to use it for our salvation …

Fear of God is the first step; the beginning of wisdom. Then comes the doxology – on the part of the child to his heavenly Father.

No matter how sinful man is, the spark of God is always within. This spark is capable of rearing its head, becoming fire, and burning sin, by whitening the man. The spark of God is consciousness. There is no conscienceless man.

Keep your conscience as a priceless treasure. Stay alert.

Some people think that one loses one’s soul only by gross sins, overlooking the small. Death comes and finds them unclean!

Deciding to live in Christ, know that you will be tormented by many temptations! When you learn to pray, you will find the strength to defeat them, to dominate your passions.

Starets (Elder) Boris Holcev