Metropolitan of Veria: Church is like our Noah’s Ark

Metropolitan Panteleimon of Veria


“Church is like our Noah’s Ark,” said Metropolitan Panteleimon of Veria, Naoussa and Kampania in his sermon in the Church of the Holy Apostles, on Thursday afternoon.

Metropolitan Panteleimon said that the forty days of Great Lent reminded us of the forty days of the world-engulfing flood in which God spared Noah.

He pointed out that “for us our Church is a kind of ark, the Christ’s Church, and thanks to that we are in a more advantageous position than Noah, because we did not have to build it or even look for it.

He further added that God invited us to distance ourselves for a while from the cataclysm that surrounds us, that of goods, food, news, thoughts, pursuits, evil things, passions and sinful acts, and concentrate on what our Church offers, that is prayer, repentance, study, participation in holy sacraments, struggle to eradicate our passions and weaknesses.

“He invites us to abandon in these forty days of fasting all those things which do not allow us to devote daily to prayer, meditation, good acts, participation in the Divine Liturgy of our Church”, the Metropolitan of Veria highlighted in his sermon.