Metropolitan of Sidirokastro in Mount Athos


Metropolitan Makarios of Sidirokastro was invited by Fathers of the St. Georgios Monastic Cell of the Pantokratoros Monastery, where he officiated at the Divine Liturgies dedicated in memory of St. Georgios the Great Martyr and trophy-bearer in the Mount Athos.

Monks from the surrounding monasteries and cells participated in the Vespers service and the Divine Liturgy.

Monks and chanters from Romania chanted the hymns both in Greek and Romanian.

On the afternoon of the feast day, Metropolitan Makarios visited Xenophontos monastery, where the memory of Saint Georgios was also celebrated solemnly with Metropolitan Panteleimon of Maroneia and Komotini, who was also invited, Prior Xenophontos monastery Elder Alexios, Prior of the Pantokratoros monastery Elder Gabriel, fathers of the monastery, and the clerics officiated at the memorial service for the founders of the monastery.

On Tuesday morning, April 24 (in Julian calendar), Metropolitan Panteleimon of Maroneia, and Metropolitan Makarios of Sidirokastro performed the Divine Liturgy in memory of Hosios Xenophon, the founder of the Holy Monastery.