Metropolitan of Nea Ionia to the youngsters: Let’s honor the Three Hierarchs by turning off our cell phones

Metropolitan Gabriel of Nea Ionia and Philadelphia

A different proposal to the youth was made today by Metropolitan Gabriel of Nea Ionia and Philadelphia to honor the Three Hierarchs. The hierarch stressed that we can honor the Three Hierarchs not with formal celebrations, but in essence, and suggested the Three Hierarchs’ Day to be established as a day without cell phones, a day of actual action, respect for the environment and the person who really wants to live.

The Metropolitan of N. Ionia and Philadelphia characterized the Three Hierarchs as personalities who marked their time and the following eras with their teaching, while at the same time he pointed out that they condemned people’s mania for wealth, social inequalities and the interests of the powerful who are responisble for the wars, hunger and abandonment.

Τhe Three Hierarchs however, he said, stood out for something else too; for their love of nature and emphasized that “when man abuses nature is like denying God’s love.”

Finally, he noted that “We need to make radical changes to the models we produce and consume daily, if we are to hope for a change.”

Source: ANA-MPA