Metropolitan of Ilion: Christ wants our return, not our sorrow

Metropolitan Athenagoras of Ilion, Acharnes and Petroupoli


The Service of the Bridegroom was celebrated solemnly at the Church of the Dormition of the Mother of God in Afidnes on Holy Tuesday.

Metropolitan Athenagoras of Ilion, Acharnes and Petroupoli officiated the Divine Liturgy accompanied by chief of the Church Archim. Timotheos Anagnostakis.

The Divine Word was proclaimed by Metropolitan Athenagoras, who spoke about the liturgies of the Holy Week and the Troparion of Kassiani.

”We can think about it and we will discover that each one receives a message every day of the Holy Week. The Holy Week with the Passion of God becoming Man refers to us. It is not a grief to God that suffers, but an exhalation for our own personality, a return to the point where we started,” said the Metropolitan.

“Christ does not want our sorrow or grief. He wants our love, needs our return, needs our kissing, not like Judas’ kiss. He needs us to realize that He is our brother, who comes to give meaning to our life and illuminate the path to God and Our Father whom we forgot,” said Metropolitan Athenagoras.