Message from Patriarch of Alexandria for the feast of Ramadan

Patriarch Theodore of Alexandria

Patriarch Theodore of Alexandria sent a message to the Muslim Egyptian people on the occasion of the end of Ramadan.

In his message, the Patriarch referred to the COVID-19 pandemic and the assistance of the Egyptian authorities and the nursing staff in dealing with the crisis.

He wished the president and the people of Egypt that God would protect everyone from every treachery.

Read the full message from the Patriarch of Alexandria:

On the occasion of the completion of the holy month of Ramadan, I wish to address wholehearted fraternal wishes to our Muslim fellow citizens in the blessed Land of the Nile and to Muslims throughout the Arabic world.

Although this year the humanity has been tested and is still being tested by the pandemic of COVID-19, during which hundreds of our fellow humans lost their lives in this unequal struggle, however as weak humans who still believe in the providence of the Merciful God, we do not cease praying day and night for humanity to return to its normality and for peace, joy and hope to return to earth.

I great and congratulate His Excellency the President of the Arabic Republic of Egypt, Mr. Abdel Fatah Al Sisi, on the measures and initiatives he took, in order to preserve to health of our fellow citizens, because health is the most precious asset that God grants to mankind.

I welcome the assistance of the Egyptian authorities and the nursing staff, in dealing with this unjust crisis, through the provision of hospital care to our fellow human beings. I personally wish His Excellency the President and the peace-loving people of Egypt, that the Omnipotent God will protect us all from every treachery and to grant us the rich mercies of health and peace.

Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa

In the Great City
of Alexandria
22th May 2020