Priests in Chania preach disobedience to measures for coronavirus – Metropolitan of Kydonia condemns the incidents


There are more and more complaints, that have recently reached the Chania Police Department, about priests in churches in the wider area, who during their homilies directly question the pandemic and call on the faithful not to believe what scientists say about the coronavirus.

According to information from, the citizens’ complaints concern priests in various areas of Chania, who, either from the pulpit or in private discussions with the faithful, directly question the existence of the virus and deem it as a “simple flu “. In fact, according to the people who lodged such complaints, priests question the importance of using masks and other ways of protection.

The Metropolis of Kydonia and Apokoronos strongly condemned, through Metropolitan Damaskinos, those incidents. In his statements, the Metropolitan stressed that those were isolated incidents, which had “nothing to do with the decision of the Holy Eparchial Synod of the Church of Crete.” “We must not make such attempts to impress, nor act illegally. The decisions that we follow have been taken by our Holy Eparchial Synod and are in full compliance with the decisions of the State. We refrain from further provocative actions,” Metropolitan Damaskinos said.