Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Canada mourns all loss of life in PS752 flight tragedy

Upon learning the devastating news of the crash of the passenger jet operated by Ukraine International Airlines, Archbishop Sotirios lit a candle for all victims and their families at the Patriarchal Church of St. George in Constantinople.

He was at the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Turkey when he learned about this tragedy that claimed the lives of 176 people, including 63 Canadians.

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew had previously issued a statement of condolences addressed to the President of Ukraine expressing his and the Ecumenical Patriarchate’s sorrow for the plane crash.

“When tragedy strikes so many Canadians like this, we all come together as one family to mourn, to comfort each other, to remember the memories of those who left us too soon, and to pray for the repose of their souls,” said Archbishop Sotirios.

On behalf of all Greek Orthodox faithful in Canada, the Archdiocese expresses its sincere condolences to all affected by this tragedy and prays that those who lost their lives are in the loving embrace and bosom of the Almighty God.
