Events for the celebration of Saint Nicholas, patron saint of the Navy

A series of activities is being organized by the Navy as part of the festivities for its patron saint, Saint Nicholas.

Specifically, on Thursday, December 5, it organizes the “Open Naval Base Day” where the Salamis Naval Base will open its gates to welcome schoolchildren from all over Greece who wish to visit Warships and be toured at the Naval Base by its personnel, thus getting to know the battle groups of the Navy.

On the same day at the theatre of the Athens College, a concert will be held in honour of the families of the Navy staff. As part of the event, there will be a draw for 30 lucky high- school seniors from all over the country who will participate in a voyage with a submarine and two rocket ships. This action will take place on January 3, 2020.

The official celebration will take place on December 6 at the Hellenic Naval Academy. In addition, from Friday the 6th to Sunday, 8th of December, ships of the Navy will be sailing in the port of Piraeus in order to allow the public to visit them

Source: ANA-MPA