Elders’ quotes

As the breath which comes out of his nostrils, so does a man need humility and the fear of God.
Abba Poemen

I prefer a light and constant job, rather than an exhausting one from the beginning, which stops quickly.
Abba Matoes

Have humility. When it rains, the water does not stop at the peaks or on the mountains, but down in the plain. Humble people have grace, fruitfulness and blessing.
Elder Ieronymos -Jerome- of Aegina

The soul acquires humility when it cares only for its own mistakes.

Observe the one who loves his will: He never has peace in his soul and nothing makes him happy. For him, everything is done as it should not be. But whoever is completely given to the Will of God has a pure prayer and his soul loves the Lord.
Saint Silouan

Acquire a peaceful spirit, and around you thousands will be saved.
Saint Seraphim of Sarov

Just as the king’s bodyguard always stands by his side on alert, so must the soul be vigilant against the demon of carnal sin.
Abba Poemen

When prayer – sometimes it happens- is done carelessly and mechanically, do not be disappointed. At the time of prayer, even our mouths are sanctified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Starets Barsanuphius

If you have a fear of the Lord, you have learned Theology. If you are not afraid of the Lord, you have learned an art to live.
Elder Ieronymos of Aegina

Take care of your soul only; make sure to save its honest, immortal parts.
Elder Joseph the Hesychast