Ecumenical Patriarch to visit Komotini in May

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew will visit Komotini at the end of May. According to statements made by the mayor of Maroneia-Sapes, the Ecumenical Patriarch will visit the town of Sapes on May 23, where an honorary reception will be held.

A Doxology will be performed by the Ecumenical Patriarch at the Church of Saints Konstantinos and Eleni in Sapes as well an inauguration ceremony for the camps of the Metropolis of Maroneia.

In addition, during his visit, the Ecumenical Patriarch will ask the mayor to support their effort concerning the Ancient Theatre of Maroneia to be classified as a UNESCO world heritage site.

It is noteworthy that Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew has been declared an honorary citizen of the town of Sapes. This was his third visit in Maroneia and his second in Sapes.
