Ecumenical Patriarch met Consul of Hungary and Chairman of Kazakh Interfaith and Inter-Civilization Dialogue Center

Ecumenical Patriarch and Consul of Hungary Lazlo Keller

Today, Tuesday, November 19, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew held a meeting with the Chairman of the Board of Nursultan Nazarbayev Center for Development of Interfaith and Inter-Civilization Dialogue, Altay Abibullayev, and the new Consul General of Hungary in Constantinople, Laszlo Keller.

Altay Abibullayev briefed the Ecumenical Patriarch on the initiatives of the organization he is presiding over such as the International Intercultural and Religious Conference to be held in Kazakhstan in 2021, with the participation of religious leaders and many other figures. On his part, the Ecumenical Patriarch referred to the initiatives of the Great Church of Christ to promote inter-religious academic dialogue with a view to overcoming crises and consolidating world peace.

Ecumenical Patriarch and Chairman of the Board of Nursultan Nazarbayev Center for Development of Interfaith and Inter-Civilization Dialogue, Altay Abibullayev

The Ecumenical Patriarch then received the new Consul General of Hungary in Constantinople, Laszlo Keller, who was accompanied by Consul Tamas Torma. During their discussion, the Ecumenical Patriarch thanked the Hungarian government for donating property to the Holy Metropolis of Austria and the Exarchate of Hungary and Central Europe, where the temple and administrative offices of the Metropolis will also be housed in Budapest.

Earlier, the Ecumenical Patriarch welcomed the pianist and conductor, Rostislav Krimer, at the Evgenidio Foundation Auditorium, along with the members of his East-West Chamber Orchestra, who are in Constantinople to give a charity concert.