Construction of St. Nicholas Church at Ground Zero to resume on Monday

© Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America

Construction will resume Monday on the new St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in Lower Manhattan.

“Monday’s going to be a very emotional day. A powerful day,” said Michael Psaros, vice chairman of The Friends of St. Nicholas in New York Post, which formed in January to get the project back on the right track after years of scandal and mismanagement.

“Another powerful symbol to the world of the resurrection of all of Ground Zero and New York City.”

When the South Tower of the World Trade Center came crashing down on New York’s darkest day, it took St. Nicholas with it.

“Finally, the only House of God destroyed on Sept. 11 will be completed and open to all people, on the twentieth anniversary of that fateful and horrific day,” said Archbishop Elpidophoros. “We look forward to welcoming New Yorkers and the entire world to this sacred space dedicated to memory, faith, and freedom.”

He continued: “We will never forget the innocents who unjustly perished that day, and all the heroes and their families who gave the last full measure of courage and love for their fellow human beings. Saint Nicholas will remember, and will be a sign of hope for all people.”

The aim is to have the new St. Nicholas open on September 11, 2021 — the 20th anniversary of the attacks — to offer comfort to New Yorkers of all faiths.