Catholic Archbishop: The Vatican can help to solve Kosovo’s issue

Catholic Archbishop of Belgrade, Stanislav Hočevar

“The Roman Catholic Church must join the process of finding a solution for Kosovo,” Catholic Archbishop of Belgrade Stanislav Hočevar said during a meeting with Minister without portfolio responsible for regional development Milan Krkobabić.

The Catholic Archbishop praised the Vatican for its extensive experience in resolving similar problems in various parts of the world, and suggested to the minister that the Vatican should play an active role in this issue.

“Since there are Catholics living in Kosovo, it is necessary that we strive to achieve mutual understanding among all the inhabitants of the region,” said the Catholic Archbishop of Belgrade.

Also, Stanislav Hočevar stressed that “it is very important for the Catholic Church to preserve all the religious and cultural monuments of the region. Because where the richness of culture is stored, the wealth of one’s identity is stored too.”

According to the Catholic Archbishop, the Vatican diplomacy is considered one of the oldest in the world, with the greates

We recall that in Kosovo about 3.7% of the population are Catholics, while the Vatican did not recognize the independence of Kosovo proclaimed by Albanians in 2008.