Archbishop of America: We are a community with a past and a future

Archbishop Elpidophoros of America

The Archdiocese of America dedicated the Sunday of the Samaritan Woman, May 17, to the AHEPA organization and the Pontian Genocide.

“Both of these observances call to mind that we are a community with a past, and a community with a future. The past must not be forgotten, and how we handle the future is now more important than ever,” said Archbishop Elpidoforos in his homily.

“Communities across our Nation are beginning to reopen on differing schedules and with differing regulations. We, who are Christians and whose chief love is for our God and our neighbor, are called to practice wisdom and patience as we begin to open for public worship again,” he said.

“All around us, we see many fellow citizens, in their frustration and sometimes even in anger, demand a total return to the status quo that existed before the pandemic. But this is neither wise nor safe. As Christians, we have a responsibility to listen to our public health officials and obey the reasoned and reasonable regulations of our governmental leaders.”