Archbishop of America to convene largest Clergy-Laity Congress in history of Archdiocese of America

On Wednesday, September 9 at noon, Archbishop Elpidophoros of America will convene the largest Clergy-Laity Congress in the 98-year history of the Holy Archdiocese of America. Over 1,100 delegates from coast to coast have registered for the event, an unprecedented number. Although other in-person Congresses have been attended by more people, none to date has had this number of delegates who actually participate in the work of the Congress.

Having just returned from the Phanar, the Archbishop stated:

“If anyone doubts the vitality of the Greek Orthodox Church of America – particularly in this time of COVID, let them consider the historic registration for this first-ever Virtual Clergy-Laity Congress. I am very proud of our Parishes and their leadership around the country and the staff of the Archdiocese who have labored so intensively to make this 45th Congress possible. Our theme, “…The Greatest of These is Love” (1 Cor. 13:13), is clearly manifest in the dedication and energy that is being poured into this most important gathering of our Ekklesia. Together, as the one Body of Christ, we face our many challenges are building a future that will brighter than ever for generations to come.”

The 45th Greek Orthodox Archdiocese virtual Clergy-Laity Congress will take place over September 9 and 10, concluding with the customary Plenary on the afternoon of the 10. All social events have been postponed until the pandemic is over.

Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America