Archbishop of Albania blessed the students for the new school year

After the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, July 15, 2019, Archbishop Anastasios of Albania gave his blessing to the students for the new school year, which begins in Albania on Monday, September 16, at the Resurrection Cathedral in Tirana.

In his speech, the Archbishop called on families “to let children attend the catechetical schools of the Church.” And he added, “It is wrong, let alone sin, to prevent children from learning Orthodox faith in time. Otherwise, they will not be able to be full members of the Church. Family is mainly responsible, and there is no excuse for any omission.”

It should be noted that the Metropolitans from the Church of Albania in many temples gave their blessing to the students for the new school year. Metropolitan Nikolla gave his blessing to the students, teachers and parents during a liturgy at Cathedral of Saint Georgios in Fier. Metropolitan Ignatios of Berat gave his blessing to students at the Cathedral of Saint Dimitrios.

Several educational institutions are under the auspices of the Albanian Orthodox Church, such as nursery schools, kindergartens, nine-year secondary schools, high schools, colleges and even universities.