On Wednesday 18 December 2019, Cardinal Mar Bechara Boutros Al-Rahi received Patriarch John X, accompanied by Metropolitan Silouan Moussa and Bishop Costa Kayal, at the Maronite Patriarchate in Bkerke, where a joint meeting was held in the presence of Archbishops Samir Mazloum, Paul Sayyah, Tanios El Khoury and Peter Karam. This meeting was an opportunity to follow up on the ongoing consultations and exchange views on the latest political, economic and social developments in Lebanon. After the meeting, a common statement was issued:
“The Fathers pondered with great concern upon the severe escalation of crises in Lebanon and their repercussions on the lives of its citizens and their unity, security and stability. They reiterated the confirmation that the Church stands with the rightful demands of the Lebanese people in its uprising against the decayed economic situation. This situation is caused by corruption and using public administrations and institutions for political interests. They called on all officials to act in order to avoid dangers and fulfil the people’s rightful demands, preserving integrity, justice, and transparency of the government and restoring stability to Lebanon and a decent life for its people.
The Fathers expressed their sorrow over the scenes of chaos, violence, and some forms of repression that have emerged from time to time, either to inhibit the popular movement or for other political reasons. They strongly condemned and warned from the abuse of religious beliefs and symbols that were transmitted in recent days. As the meeting appreciated the efforts of the security officers to stay alert all through the movement, they requested additional effort to avoid that the peaceful demonstrators be mistreated and keep them under protection, thus guaranteeing freedom of their expression and preserving public and at the same time private property and civil peace in the country. The fathers called on the protesters to maintain the peaceful character of their movement and to go forth in a manner not to deviate from their purpose. People with evil intentions for this country and for its children should not intrude.
In the same context, the Fathers called on the political, spiritual, and civil authorities and all segments of the people to help in preserving this peace and in consolidation unity, which would keep the country away from fragmentation and divisions and establish prosperity and security in this country for generations.
With the approaching of the Savior’s Nativity, which brought joy to all the world, especially the poor and the marginalized, the meeting attendees called upon the official authorities in Lebanon to remember that the goal of political action is to provide a decent life for citizens and to secure peace, stability, tranquility and joy for the people, so that they do not collapse under the pressures of poverty, closing horizons and anxiety over their fate. They also called the authorities to abandon their egoistic and factional differences under these difficult circumstances and to let go of their narrow interests, but rather open up to each other and resort to constructive unselfish dialogue as a way to devise solutions for the progress of this country and the wonderful abilities of its people.
The attendees express their deep regret for the failure of the constitutional requirements for the new government; they asked political leaders to give priority to the nation’s interest over private benefits and needs and make the necessary concessions for the profit of Lebanon and the Lebanese people They wished that the process of forming a government be completed with the required speed in accordance with the people’s hopes and aspirations. With this hope, the Fathers hope for the launching of a workshop for progress, reform and accountability that would restore public funds to the state and give trust in this state so that the foundations and practical steps be laid down for a productive economic cycle in the country. Hence, the repercussions of the financial breakdown and economic regression such as poverty, unemployment, and lack of basic guarantees can be refrained.
Finally, the Fathers raised their prayers for God to preserve Lebanon and its people. May the Child in the Cave to illuminate the darkness of these difficult days with the lights of his birth, and may Lebanon rise from its difficulties and establish the Lebanese people in peace and joy.
Source: Patriarchate of Antioch