By Bishop Gregorios of Mesaoria
Today, November 1, the Holy Church commemorates the Holy Wonderworkers and Unmercenary Physicians Cosmas and Damian, Martyrs Cyrenia and Juliana of Clicia, and Venerable David of Euboea.
The Unmercenary Physicians Cosmas and Damian were natives from Asia from Christian parents. Orphaned of father, they received from their mother Theodota a generous Christian upbringing and education.
They studied science and medicine in particular. As physicians, they offered their knowledge and medical services to the afflicted brethren without taking any payment, in a loving and respectful way, and for this reason they were called by the Church “unmercenary physicians” (Anargyroi in Greek).
The Saints, having placed their hope on the Triune God, stored up an immaculate, eternal treasure. They strictly observed the command of Jesus, “Freely have you received, freely give” therefore they offered freely their remedies and healing to people, and never obtained gold and silver. They were happy to impart their spiritual benefits to both humans and animals.
They ended their earthly life peacefully and with rich offerings.
Source: Church of Cyprus